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Writer's pictureDavid Anthony

Top 10 Standards of Duty for Municipal Managers

The term, "standard of duty," is used in law to describe an obligation that requires a person to act with reasonable care and prudence to avoid harming others. This means acting in a way that a reasonable person would in similar circumstances. If someone doesn't meet this standard, they may be liable for any damages that result, which could have significant financial and reputational implications for the municipality.


For municipal managers, the standard of duty involves a set of expectations regarding their responsibilities, actions, and decision-making processes. These standards can vary depending on the specific legal and organizational context, but here’s a Top 10 list for the standards of duty for any municipal manager:


Standard of Duty #1: Act in the best interest of the municipality

A manager’s first duty is to act in the best interest of the municipality and its residents, avoiding conflicts of interest and self-dealing. The manager must perform their duties with the same care, diligence, and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in similar circumstances.


Standard of Duty #2: Follow the law.

A borough or township manager must comply with all laws and regulations. It's not just about knowing the laws, but about ensuring that the municipality adheres to all applicable laws, regulations, and ordinances. This includes financial management, labor laws, environmental regulations, and more.


Standard of Duty #3: Ensure effective and efficient municipal administration.

The municipal manager is responsible for implementing policies set by the elected council or governing body. This includes ensuring that municipal services are delivered efficiently and effectively. The manager oversees daily operations, including budgeting, personnel management, and infrastructure maintenance.


Standard of Duty #4: Be accountable and transparent.

The manager must maintain transparency in their actions and decisions, ensuring that municipal activities are open to public scrutiny. They must also be accountable for their decisions and the outcomes of those decisions.


Standard of Duty #5: Lead with integrity, and uphold high ethical standards

The municipal manager must adhere to high ethical standards, including honesty, integrity, and fairness. They must avoid any actions that could be perceived as unethical or that could undermine public trust.


Standard of Duty #6: Lead competently and learn continuously.

Sixth is professional competence. The manager is expected to have the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to perform their duties effectively. This includes staying informed about best practices in municipal management and continuous professional development.


Standard of Duty #7: Think and lead with a strategic focus.

The seventh is strategic leadership. The municipal manager should provide strategic leadership, helping to set long-term goals and ensuring that the municipality is moving towards those goals. This includes fostering innovation and adapting to changing circumstances.


Standard of Duty #8: Ensure responsible financial stewardship.

The manager must oversee the municipality's finances responsibly, ensuring that public funds are used efficiently and for their intended purposes. This includes preparing budgets, monitoring expenditures, and ensuring accurate financial reporting.


Standard of Duty #9: Manage risks effectively.

Ninth is risk management. The manager is responsible for identifying, assessing, and managing risks to the municipality. This includes everything from financial risks to risks related to public safety and infrastructure.


Standard of Duty #10: Communicate and collaborate.

The municipal manager must effectively work with the elected council, staff, residents, and other stakeholders. Clear, timely, and honest communication is essential to fulfilling this duty.


These standards help ensure that municipal managers operate in a way that benefits the municipality and its residents while upholding public trust and contributing positively to the municipality's governance and development. So when you "fire this thing up," be sure you are doing it according to these Top 10 standards of duty.


About the Author

David L. Anthony is a member of the Keystone Municipal Solutions team of experts. He is a veteran of municipal government, having served more than 33 years in various positions of public service. Contact him at To learn more about David and the Keystone Municipal Solutions team, click here.

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